Become a benefactor

If you want to help out Waldur and stay up to date on what is organized by the association but you are no longer a student, you can choose to become a benefactor. Benefactors are (in general) old-members or University employees who want to stay involved. The benefactor fee for DSD Waldur has a minimum of €15,00 per year.

Becoming a benefactor of DSD Waldur has the following advantages:

  • Invite for the yearly beneficiary day
  • Printed version of the association magazine ‘the Gjallar’
  • Invite for receptions of DSD Waldur
  • Special beneficiary newsletter

Becoming a benefactor is simple, either fill in the form below, send an e-mail to us or ask one of the Board members for a form when you are in the flux building!

Waldur benefactor registration



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